by Dr Davicino Gabriela
President of the Argentine Society of Lingual Orthodontics SAOL
Co-director of the Orthodontic Specialty of the National University of the Northeast UNNE
''Lingual Orthodontic Concept''
Dr Davicino Gabriela
About Dr Davicino Gabriela
Dr Gabriela is a specialist in Orthodontics / Lingual Orthodontics from the Maimonides University of Buenos Aires and a founding member of the first MD-DIGITAL.LAB Digitized Lingual Orthodontics laboratory in Argentina. She currently serves as President of the Argentine Society of Lingual Orthodontics SAOL, Co-director of the Orthodontic Specialty of the National University of the Northeast UNNE, Speaker of the Chaco Dental Circle and in various national and international scientific events, thus accumulating several years in the practice and study of digitized lingual orthodontics. Let's not miss this excellent opportunity to discover the benefits of this alternative treatment in the orthodontic area! Our live chat will be broadcast through the ODONTOCIENCIA YouTube channel on Wednesday 29/04/2020 15: 00h El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras 16: 00h Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, Panama 17: 00h Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Venezuela, Dominican Republic 18: 00h Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay * The conversation will be recorded for those who cannot connect * YOUTUBE CHANNEL - ODONTOCIENCIA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGqXf83efw7H-U1fHBD8UzA
Location of Practice
Rivadavia 682, Saenz Peña -
Date and Time
Wedhesday, 29 April 2020,
18:00 pm
Argentina Time
Just click on the link and register
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We hope you are able to attend the webinar and look forward to seeing you there.