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Digital Orthodontics.Is this the future?

SDT George Antonopoulos

Deciding whether being concerned with the future is positive or negative, mainly depends on what you mean by ‘concerned’. If it means constant worrying, then being future-oriented might have a bad connotation for you. In this case, should we be more present-oriented?

Being a future-oriented person allows you to plan ahead. Since planning is a crucial part of every project, focusing on the future clearly helps you in achieving your goals. You can mentally visualize every step of the process, predict possible obstacles and envision your success. But what happens when things don’t go as planned in your therapy. Would you be able to adapt and move forward? That’s where it gets tricky for people who deal with anxiety. Oftentimes, they’re excellent planners and thinkers, but poor ‘doers’. This is one of the reasons why our social anxiety plan is focused not only on mental change, but also on behavioral change.

Through our dreams and our plans we make the future right now.

Digital Orthodontics is the present...

And this was the perfect answer that was given at the first biggest meeting about Digital Orthodontics on the 1st and the 2nd of July of 2017 at Athens. ''Digital Orthodontics''.-Under the auspices of G.A.O.S.R. Greek Association of Orthodontic Study and Research-

Through two amazing days, (Saturday 1st of July*SADENT *Paiania conference hall, Sunday 2nd of July *FN Orthodontics* conference room ) Athens hosts outstanding speakers. More than 100 Orthodontists attended to a big seminar. ''Digital Orthodontics''. A "technological feast" , a knowledge base of all the latest developments in digital orthodontics and not only . Dr Isaza Santiago Penco & SDT Stefano Negrini (Founder and CEO of Ortodonzia Estense & 3Shape key opinion leader).

Personally I would like to thank also Dr Thomas Lietz (Head of Clinical Affairs bei Dentaurum Germany) who accepted my invitation and came to Athens to speak about the tomas® anchorage system ( a temporary orthodontic micro anchorage system, a new concept for temporary skeletal anchorage in orthodontic treatment).

In our ''Digital seminar'' we learnt that taking advantage of the award-winning TRIOS intraoral scanner we enhance patient experience, reduce chair-time, and unlock new treatment opportunities. Unlike many other solutions, TRIOS gives us continuous software updates, and optional dental treatment modules to ensure that our practice stays ahead as our business grows stronger.

Some of the conclusions are:

Using digital systems and workflow we achieve:

  • Accuracy: They capture the exact contours of your teeth.

  • Efficiency: They require less time in the treatment chair.

  • Comfort: Taking the digital images is less invasive. No putty is used, and patients are more at ease without fearing they will gag on the impression putty.

  • Customization: They provide a digital plan and allow for trays that are tailored to meet the individual needs and desires of each patient.

  • Visualization: They provide each patient with a definite picture of what their teeth will look like before, during and after orthodontic treatment.

  • Innovation: They use the most advanced 3-D software technologies (Orthoanalyzer)

After all yes! We are in the future of Digital Orthodontics !

See you all again, at the next big event!!!



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